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Community Rating: 3.639 / 5  (72 votes)
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This card makes Deep Analysis look like Ancestral Recall lmao
Posted By: LeoKula (2/7/2012 8:50:44 AM)


I've played it a lot in those days in some Izzet deck. Casting the same spell twice is a huge advantage when you control cards like Gelectrode or Wee Dragonauts, and drawing cards made my Niv-Mizzet a serious threat, as if it need a help... The fact that it's an instant that costs 2CMC make it so playable at the end of your opponent's turn, while you kept two lands untapped to counter something with Remand, in case!

This card is so much win... Simple and powerful!
Posted By: leomistico (10/12/2011 2:06:11 AM)


Anybody who says that Divination is better does not understand draw-go control decks. Playing everything at instant speed at the end of your opponent's turn lets you keep mana up for counterspells and draw if they don't play anything threatening. Scrubs who don't understand this tap out turn 3 for Divination and get wrecked when their opponent plays a Geist of Saint Traft.
Posted By: troll_berserker (12/13/2013 5:03:52 AM)


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