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Community Rating: 4.217 / 5  (69 votes)
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Good times. This was once as big a bomb as the modern day Loxodon warhammer. Ah how the times have changed.

It's still a fun card by all means. Tatterkite comes to mind!
Posted By: runway (12/13/2008 11:41:01 AM)


Put it on a whirling dervish.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/23/2010 11:18:55 PM)


good in a wither deck if you had blue for some reason....
Posted By: Mindbend (7/6/2010 6:57:07 AM)


@locohead- No, it can't be, this is far outside blue's color pie. Its more of black's type of thing really.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/6/2010 6:33:48 AM)


Interesting question for anyone who would know -- did this card replace Ancestral Recall during playtesting as the original "3 for 1 common" set of Dark Ritual, Healing Salve, Lightning Bolt and Giant Growth?
Posted By: Locohead (9/10/2009 3:16:19 AM)


@Dr.Jack: You do realize that A) most of the things you listed are primarily blue affects that slightly bleed into green? Those effects are supposed to be weaker due to a different color. B) green dominates when it comes to creatures and will accept no substitutes.Thornling beats morphling any day, ANY flyer, including serendib efreet or azure drake dies to a multitude of 'destroy target creature with flying' spells such as Wing Snare, and Gaea's cradle works much better with a creature deck then tolarian academy ever will. Green is also better in tribal: watch an elf deck fight a merfolk deck. Elf wins hands down.

The great thing about magic is that there are endless possibilities, with five different philosophies with many sub-branches for various deck styles. Blue isn't intrinsically better, as you arrogantly claim, it is just different,... (see all)
Posted By: jsttu (7/7/2011 9:09:06 PM)


Would have been great with Deity of Scars if it weren't for the colour. As is, maybe Etched Monstrosity?
Posted By: LordRandomness (1/2/2012 3:31:47 AM)


How to you make Unstable Mutation stable?

By putting it on Protean Hydra of course. Put a -1/-1 counter? No problem. Protean Hyrda comes back with 2 +1/+1. EVERY TURN.
Posted By: guan_xxx (2/9/2012 12:44:19 PM)


Oh how Melira, Slylvok Outcast loves this card.
Posted By: ninjaboy05 (4/20/2012 6:39:04 PM)


Good with Woeleecher. (not on it. with it.)
Posted By: atemu1234 (5/25/2012 6:58:08 AM)


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