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I'd combine this with Leech Bonder. If you can find a good way to tap him.
Posted By: Kelther (7/12/2012 6:52:49 PM)


Everyone here is thinking too casual, this card is supposed to have a downside. The best, and fastest, way to negate the downside is to kill your opponent, this is very much a sligh card and should be used as such. Best use in blue I can think of is Delver of Secrets. Swinging for 6 in the air turn 2 possibly.
Posted By: desolation_masticore (11/1/2012 3:26:45 AM)


This thing is so much better than Giant Growth if you play blue. It nets 6 damage for one mana if the enchanted creature gets to keep swinging. It only starts hurting the enchanted creature 5 turns later. Even then, if you draw into a Rancor or another one of these babies, it's just devastating if it's unanswered.
Posted By: WarioMan (12/14/2012 12:58:31 PM)


works awesome if you put it on your own Morselhoarder
Posted By: J_Cast (6/10/2013 3:03:49 PM)


Alright, I deleted my original comment because I was basically just ranting about blue being overpowered and green getting the shaft (original, I know).

I was bothered by the fact that many intelligent aspects of green got taken away and moved to blue. Countering activated abilities, repeatably untapping permanents, looking at and rearranging the top cards of your library... I sincerely believe that green should be the master of these powers, and that blue should not.

As far as this Unstable Mutation card goes, you all may disagree, but I strongly feel that blue shouldn't have access to such powerful creature enhancers. Each color has to have weaknesses in some areas. Green is supposed to be the best at boosting creatures; blue is supposed to be the worst. Just as blue has the best flying creatures overall, and green has the worst.

In my opinion, giving blue a card like Unstable Mutation is like black having a Disenchant,
white having a Dark Ritual, red having a Circle of Protection... (see all)
Posted By: DrJack (12/10/2013 7:11:46 PM)


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