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Community Rating: 4.323 / 5  (99 votes)
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Good card, exelent Shakespeare's quotation.
Posted By: True_Smog (11/3/2009 1:06:19 AM)


One of the classic combat tricks - Fog your opponent's Alpha Strike then kill them next turn when they're tapped out. This is better than Fog and Holy Day in that Black usually doesn't have access to this effect.
Posted By: VampireCat (1/17/2011 11:21:15 AM)


"Unholy Night"
Posted By: True_Mumin (6/30/2009 4:45:16 AM)


It would be nice to see this return to a Standard format, no?
Posted By: Kweane (1/7/2010 9:20:05 AM)


Red and Blue have missed out on the Fog.
Posted By: Silverware (12/3/2009 2:56:09 AM)


OMG a black version of Holy Day/ Fog ACTUALLY does exist...
LOL wonder when they'll do the/a Blue or Red one lmfao!!

Well lol, one card I know no one will play in a deck with Everlasting Torment lol. It's pretty cool I give it a 5/5 rating given it could be very helpful in some situations/ conditions and a freakin sweet and unexspected card for BLACK to have!
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (12/28/2009 12:17:19 PM)


Holy Day with a malevolent edge, remarkable.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/2/2009 11:19:51 PM)


Posted By: chinkeeyong (11/9/2010 7:10:40 AM)


rofl a red fog would be so broken
Posted By: daemonfrog (5/2/2010 10:57:58 AM)


I think that some effects ought to be in all 5 colors, and Fog is one of them. However, the card Fog doesn't perfectly translate to all 5 colors. Legends was the third Magic setting ever, after Alpha and Arabian Nights, right? I think Darkness is 'bad' in that it too much pigeonholes the potential of this 'cycle' as having to be exact copycats of Fog.

And in Time Spiral, they brought it back only as a Timeshifted card, but it doesn't even totally fit to me as a Planar Chaos-like idea.

The other colors of Fog should not be exact mechanical copycats, but I do think they need cards that they would use as 'their Fog'.

Blue should be a 2-mana enchantment with an activated ability, or a 3-mana enchantment that 'just works', that gives something like Fog to one creature. NOT Shroud, Shroud is stupid, but Fog/Holy Day isn't stupid, it's cool but still reasonable. :) Call it something like Mirror Shield or Magic Water Shield or...you get the idea. We all... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/29/2013 9:02:12 AM)


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