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The first time around, this was a solid build-around-me Constructed card, yet it didn't get much play at all when reprinted in Time Spiral. Odd. Mass removal is always worth a look but I guess B/R just wasn't a combination people used all that much.

However, this has to go down as one of WotC's worst-ever art decisions. Not willing to settle for art that merely has nothing obvious to do with the name, flavour or functionality of this specific card, they went so far as to use an image that seems for all the world to be from the wrong game. What a waste of an awesome name that a good artist could have done something amazing with.

@Zulp: I wouldn't mind that quite as much (though it would still feel out of place) on an artifact creature. It's not just the fact that it's a mecha in a mainly-fantasy game that bothers me, it's that it's on completely the wrong card. Even if there's a good storyline reason to have a big mecha on some card from Invasion, why this one?
Posted By: jeff-heikkinen (2/6/2010 12:38:14 PM)


This card seems ridiculously good, if it has any drawback its if you and your opponent have similiar cmc creatures in play, thereby having to sac a few of your own things to make it work.

As for urza's giant robot on the picture, I'm glad magic went back to being more fantasy instead of all these robots and everything.. there have been sets of nothing but artifacts, golems, and the like in the past. If I wanted sci fi I would be.. you know.. doing something that was sci fi oriented.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (3/3/2010 11:46:16 PM)


@Jeff: That is one of Urza's giant robots, shown in card form on Power Armor. It is not out of place, your flavour knowledge is just bad. Um, that sounded harsh. Sorry.
Posted By: Dragon_Whelp (5/12/2010 8:11:12 AM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: KingCody77 (2/3/2011 8:37:59 PM)


@jeff-Heikkinen the artwork is of one of the mechanical magic imbued constructs of Urza, It's called a Titan Engine.

The planeswalkers including the OG himself Urza went to town in one of these badboys, as Keino has mentioned it was used throughout the Phyrexian-Dominarian war by the coalition forces against the rathians most notably in Koilos and Corvaxes former homeland Urborg.

although yes, the card art has nothing to do with the spell, wizards could've done better with this, as some of you have mentioned already, should've been something more akin to a laser destroying artefacts (phyrexian/flowstone constructs) but srsly no clue.
Posted By: KMcombine (8/18/2011 8:20:44 AM)


Pew pew pew...
Posted By: rareibis (12/18/2011 9:56:11 AM)


I'll add my two pence to the ongoing illustration debate: I know for sure that when I hear the word Void, I certainly don't think of giant mecha, whatever the setting may be. Pretty high up there on my (incomplete and largely unformed) list of Most Confused Illustrations Ever.
Posted By: Tiggurix (7/26/2012 6:05:22 AM)


MARO said he hated the mechs though. So the people asking 'dafuq?' and 'y is der a robot in my MTG?' are kind of taking the same side R&D does.

On Mirrodin, Artifact creatures are ok, but non-animate machines driven as vehicles by humans? That doesn't happen in Magic anymore. :P The 'vehicle'-like cards are usually animate machines with no pilot, like Juggernaut.

That said, I really wish we'd seen Urza tell Gerrard "We need Megazord power, now!" in one of the flavor texts :3
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/1/2013 12:12:56 PM)


It's entirely possible that the art was commissioned for a different card, but then that card was trashed during development, and so they had to come up with a different card but didn't have time to get new art. And although the art doesn't necessarily fit the spell, it still looks pretty epic. In fact, all of the arts with Urza's power armor in them look cool (see: Power Armor and Urza's Rage (the earlier printing))
Posted By: Aremath (6/13/2013 1:49:18 PM)


While I get that this is a Titan Engine, I wonder if we could ever find out what the art direction for this piece actually was.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (3/29/2014 4:25:25 PM)


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