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Community Rating: 4.114 / 5  (88 votes)
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You cant ask more for three mana creatures on blue. 2/2 flyer for 3 mana on blue is fine, but it's counter target spell is the good thing truly make it shine.
Posted By: BelloAbril (11/9/2009 7:19:39 PM)


Really good, well underestimated card. I prefer it to the hatchling, although they're both really good cards. The drake kind of sucks, but oh well. All three are awesome flavour-wise.
Posted By: ParadoxCry (3/27/2010 3:43:30 PM)


I like it. a 2/2 flyer for 3 that forces your opponent to wait and get 2 more mana before they play any good card?

Pretty nice
Posted By: KillerNacho (4/7/2010 4:45:21 PM)


This is a good all around card that gives shows just what blue decks are for.
And only for 3 mana!
Posted By: Allikiza (6/9/2010 8:00:08 PM)


Solid in draft format, workable in constructed. Is about equal to a Spiketail Hatchling in that it costs one U more, has +1/+1, and has the extra mana cost in the counter. Still a formidable package of creature and counter rolled into one.
Posted By: RickMaadi179 (5/17/2009 7:01:37 PM)


Ho yea, what a scary drake!
Posted By: stormkeeper (12/4/2008 7:48:29 PM)


Hatchling can't beat correctly, and you only get a mana leak out of Spiketail Drake. This could be the best of the cycle.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/4/2011 3:26:07 PM)


Bad version of Spiketail Hatchling. And stop confusing people in giving this crappy card a good rating.
Posted By: majinara (2/5/2009 5:16:26 AM)



Sorry man, but majinara's got this on the dot. It's pretty obvious you never have done competitve play, where you'd realize the fact that this costs Blue more than Spiketail Hatchling is absolutely awful. The 2 p/t is usually irrelevant, and the whole thing of it being a pay 2 as opposed to pay 1 is moot because just about every time you're countering something, there's almost never mana open. In this day and age, think about it. I rarely ever see decks (in both legacy and modern) that have even 5-6 lands/mana by the time the game's over, aside from pure control decks (which unless it's Spiral Tide, it's probably gonna lose anyway) and ramp (again, usually dies regardless, at least in legacy.) This card is an attempt to bring back a great 2-drop, and try to make it better in its own way, and horribly failing. Don't even use this in casual, considering this and Hatchling are both a buck a set.
Posted By: Megapossum (3/27/2012 6:11:31 AM)


My spiketail drakes rating.
1) Drakeling. Three mana for a 2/2 flier is already at the standard; with a countering ability which makes opponent's dangerous spells 2 more expensive it's really good!
2) Hatchling. Yes, Hatchling. I must say that I like it, even if it's not that all-good card. But it's cheap, it flies, it can chump-block and it can prevent some powerful spells to be played early due to their practically higher casting cost.
3) Drake. It's very expensive, but a 3/3 flier is always a good creature, and 3 more is a prohibitive cost to pay for most of the spells opponent could play that could be a serious menace for you. However, its 3BlueBlue casting cost puts it on the bottom of the table.
Posted By: Paolino (1/16/2012 7:21:25 AM)


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