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Bad as he might be, he can still take Baneslayer out in the air...
Posted By: Luke_BPC (1/9/2012 3:24:31 PM)


I was going to run this in a Lord of Tresserhorn EDH deck until I saw the mana cost. This might have been pretty decent, if it came out in Ice Ages. Sadly, the Lord had to outsource zombie armies.

If they gave it first strike on top of it's ability, I would play it.
Posted By: voidweaver (7/9/2012 8:14:57 PM)


Guys. Guys. He's a flying uncommon that ends the game in 4 swings. He's meant for LIMITED.

Granted, we forget these days with all of the cuh-raziness, but a 3/3 flyer without any relevant abilities was, at the time of this's printing, a limited staple. This is a 5/3 with an excessively relevant ability.

In short, resolving this shuts down any knight based lines of attacks and then kills rather quickly. At 7 mana it can be an uncommon because it's a control card.

At 5 mana everyone in black would want it and it'd skew games. As a card made entirely for limited (and very elegantly so) it's great. Costing too much to be used by anyone who doesn't want exactly what this care does means that it can be grabbed as a later pick by decks that need this sort of utility to function but which need earlier picks for the guts of their deck.
Posted By: Cyklown (12/28/2012 4:35:45 PM)


Such a bad design.

If it at least would have first strike itself - that would be kind of cool.
Buten even then.... CMC 7 is a design space that should be rarely touched. And when not with such mediocre cards like this, they should be inspiring!
Posted By: Vividice (2/5/2013 11:04:49 AM)


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