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Actually this is an even worse general than Phage, since you could at least in principle cast her if you had a Torpor Orb or Platinum Angel out. It'd still be a terrible deck idea, of course, but it could be done. This, though, there's just no way.

And you can use this in EDH, just not as the general.
Posted By: sonorhC (7/15/2011 8:58:06 AM)


Corpse Connoisseur has a new friend.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (3/6/2011 11:15:29 AM)


So if you cascade him, you can't play him, right?
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/17/2010 3:38:57 PM)


EDH commander? Oh wait...
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/1/2012 4:11:16 PM)


Aluren. That is all.
Posted By: drp527 (3/7/2010 3:42:07 PM)


A 3/3 for 3 mana is good but the play only from your graveyard thing is anoying but then you can play ALL of your knights from your graveyard and that is realy cool so he gets a 4 in my book
Posted By: ddd (7/5/2009 7:45:57 PM)


If you cascaded into him, nothing would happen.
It wouldn't be countered because it can't be cast.
You would just have to put him on the bottom of your library.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (3/6/2010 9:08:50 AM)


The second best General for an EDH deck. Next to the mighty Phage.
Posted By: Kruggles (11/25/2010 9:47:44 PM)


The only thing I don't like is the life loss when he's sent to the grave from play.... (Though against WHITE not an issue given Path to exile, Unmake , Journey to nowhere and Oblivion Ring are the most common white removal and they all remove it from the game so the life loss becomes null and void on the bright side lol :P Yeah, you don't get to play it again til you get another copy in your grave but still, life points kept lol)

But I'd love to see the kinds of decks people build around him any day!
He must make for quite the power play :D
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (12/27/2009 7:09:47 PM)


how would you cascade him? you can't play him from anywhere but your graveyard. you have to pull a buried alive or something to start using him. though, by using cascade he would automatically cancel himself, thus go into the graveyard.
Posted By: applecorn (1/24/2010 12:01:56 AM)


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