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It is the right way to play it. I made a deck using "Staff of domination", firebreath creatures, Tower of Eons, Pyromatics, and Bogardian Hellkite. Can be quite good when you draw two in your starting hand.
Posted By: Dilleux_Lepaire (11/3/2009 10:53:05 AM)


Attention all of you people saying that Omnath makes this broken. Omnath only saves GREEN mana. Braid of fire gives you RED mana. Do you see the problem? You might want to try actually reading the card before posting. Upwelling, however, does work.
Posted By: KingSupernova (12/9/2013 2:16:36 AM)


It's a shame you can only use the mana during your upkeep, before it drains from your pool.
Posted By: AvatarofBro (4/5/2012 12:20:25 PM)


Well, since it'll drain from your mana pool after your upkeep, you'd have to use Upwelling to float it to other steps, but if that's not in play, you can still use it for plenty of stuff during your upkeep. Remember kids, you can use instants at any time, and a Comet Storm during your upkeep can still be about as devastating as a Comet Storm played any other time.
Posted By: MarvinTheThird (2/8/2010 8:49:26 PM)


This card will get ridiculously powerful with M2010's elimination of Mana Burn...
Posted By: Jason_c_o (6/14/2009 1:05:43 PM)


Possible instant-speed uses for Braid of Fire mana: Searing Wind, Urza's Rage, Volcanic Geyser, Latulla, Keldon Overseer.

There. Not a terrible card at all, vadoff.
Posted By: MrPink343 (1/23/2010 8:25:52 PM)


Not as good as it used to be due to a change in ruling on how mana exists between steps and phases:

Basically, you mana pool empties between your upkeep step and draw step...meaning you can only play instants with mana from Braid of Fire.

Actually, it pretty much does work the same way.Your mana pool already emptied between upkeep and main phase, except it was only done after your draw step, and now does so at the end of upkeep as well (so technically empties twice).

Wizards were a bit ambiguous with how they referred to cards that were to be errataed and not - the two that are noted to be errataed refer to mana not emptying from pools at ends of phases, and had to be updated to include at end of steps as well. Braid wasn't because the rules change only means that the mana can't be used during your draw step, which is not really going to matter much.

Sadly too slow, and too awkward to... (see all)
Posted By: HorseofaThousandEyes (1/5/2013 5:06:57 AM)


At first, this seemed too good to be true. Then I realized the extra mana fizzles out at the end of the upkeep phase. Still, you can use it up on flashes, instants, activated abilities, and mana storage, so it's not all that bad.
Posted By: Kyrodo (5/19/2011 1:25:39 PM)


moonveil dragonanyone?
Posted By: amadeuswolf (6/24/2012 5:09:10 PM)


I noticed someone else posted something pretty much exactly the same as this. I'm not stealing your ideas, haha. Just think of it as great minds thinking alike.

One of my favorite decks uses this card and Soulbright Flamekin. Why?

Turn 1: Mountain, Flamekin Harbinger (Find either Soulbright Flamekin or something like Magmatic Force if you already have Soulbright.
Turn 2: Mountain, this card.
Turn 3: Mountain, Soulbright Flamekin (1 red mana)
Turn 4: Mountain, activate Soulbright's ability once during upkeep, twice during your turn, and you have 8 mana to do whatever you want. Either drop the Magmatic Force you found, or drop one of my favorite cards, Avatar of Slaughter.

There are 19 different cards you would be able to play on turn 4. Here are probably the best ones: Akroma, Angel of Fury, Din of the Fireherd (3 out ... (see all)
Posted By: Mid_Squad (8/25/2011 2:30:42 PM)


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