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Community Rating: 2.102 / 5  (49 votes)
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This card was almost great, but its still Johnny fodder. At 1 less it would have been broken (For it's ability to cast on yourself) so it had to sit here, not really usable on an opponent, and rather hard to effectively work with on yourself. I am making a casual deck around this and Either Biorythm, Decree of Pain, or (Most likely) Sway of the Stars.

The idea is that I cast Selective memory, and remove all other instants and sorceries from my deck, then probably on my next turn I tap all my lands, filling my mana pool, cast something like Gitixian Probe, then cast this, having Sway of the Stars as the only other instant/sorcery in the deck. When it hits, we basically restart the game at 7 life and I can use whatever mana I still have in my mana pool to cast something mean and kill my weakened opponent.

The other components include classic green ramp and sus... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (4/13/2012 1:58:37 AM)


Your Lightning Bolt just became a shock, Umadbro?
2/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/3/2013 2:44:51 PM)


Use with Second Guess to make it 5% more playable. (It still sucks)
Posted By: Tuyut (5/6/2012 3:21:41 PM)


Since unlike most other cards like this, you're not exiling the instant or sorcery before you cast it, the new spell can be doubled by Melek.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (4/27/2013 11:01:20 AM)


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