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I wonder if this card is some sort of complex reference to America's treatment of the American Indian?
Posted By: Paleopaladin (6/12/2011 12:35:34 PM)


In a mono red land destruction deck, my opponent was wondering why I ran azorius signet, he was unhappy when he figured out why.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/22/2010 10:37:41 PM)


You don't see how white is tied in with land destruction? White has the single best land destruction card in the game - Armageddon. Also, Desolation Angel may be black, but she has a white kicker tied to complete LD. While not destruction, blue has cards like Sunder for dealing with land. I think Numot's ability makes perfect sense.
Posted By: shoalsuser2004 (8/30/2009 2:49:04 PM)


Land destruction (or at least disruption) has been in all colors in some form over the years. Yes, Red is most famous for it, but White has had it's fair share. Though it took the typical approach of 'fair' destuction where equal number (Balance) or all lands (Armageddon).

Blue on the other hand usually disrupts land, more than destroying it. Bouncing (Boomerang) or tapping ( Mana Short) lands to slow to even lock out an opponent's resources. But I agree that this is pushing it for the Blue side of Numot.

On a side note, why are RedWhiteBlue spells automatically associated only with America? I'm American myself, so I somewhat get it, but there are a ton of countries represented by those colors on their flags. United Kingdom, France, Chile... and even Russia and Cuba. Does that mean Nayans are Mexican or Italian? Or is Jund in Afghanistan? Just something that irked me to see on every comment page.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (1/12/2012 7:32:04 AM)


This card is awesome! For 6 mana of strange colors, you get a 6/6 flyer dragon with an ability that can turn the game for you very fast, if you just can get through your enemies blockers.
Posted By: Shiduba (10/8/2009 9:36:13 PM)


I think it's so cute that you guys reckon WUR = "USA" colours. I heard Numot is actually meant to represent a combination of the following countries: Australia, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Faroe Islands, France, Iceland, North Korea, Laos, Luxembourg, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Samoa, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia Slovenia, Thailand and the United Kingdom.

(I like Numot, but the whole "arr harr harr I can destroy your lands" aspect makes playing WUR in EDH a really tough call).
Posted By: Ogrillion (10/8/2010 7:27:49 PM)


Dammit everyone making the USA connection has ruined one of my favourite wedge colour combos :(
Posted By: Stray_Dog (1/23/2011 2:46:09 AM)


Seeing Red, White, and Blue together in a mana cost with a Legendary Dragon is awesome. The art suits it, and it's not even an older card. (What I mean is, It doesnt look like Lightning Angel, it looks newer. The card design.)

And I'm proud to be an American...were at least I can destroy your laaand.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave their life to meeeee...
Posted By: Gaffy00 (2/7/2011 4:19:22 PM)


Discard him for some cheap effect like Kris Mage and revive him with Doomed Necromancer. He's out by turn five -that's if your deck is slow.
Posted By: KingRusty (12/17/2010 9:54:38 PM)


In any case, the abilites of these dragons don't seem to be tied into all 3 of their colors, rather the color of mana spent on that ability. Red equates the most with land destruction, while Teneb, the Harvester uses an ability that costs 2B and resurects a creature from the graveyard: traditionally the baliwick of black. Likewise Vorosh, the Hunter uses an extremely green ability and his ability costs 2G.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (1/8/2010 1:43:49 PM)


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