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If you plan putting this into your mono-red deck, i advise using the oldschool version instead - given that you can play that one in your desired format, of course.
Posted By: Mode (8/4/2009 9:34:04 PM)


Awesome. I don't think I need to say why.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/15/2009 4:14:07 AM)


For those of you with mono-color EDH decks, you have found your Mirari's Wake.
Posted By: GracefulInferno (12/6/2010 8:24:03 PM)


My favorite thing about MTG is that each color is powerful in it's own way. Sure, blue is my least favorite color, and green is my favorite color, but there are some really good blue cards and some terrible green cards. It's not like there's one dominant color.

I don't know why I'm writing it here. I just wanted to say it.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/17/2009 6:24:37 PM)


Do these stack? I want to use this in a mono blue deck. If I play more than one gauntlet of power and choose "blue" on both, will blue creatures get a +2/+2 and islands tap for 3 blue mana?
Posted By: drugfreeboy (1/20/2010 9:04:17 PM)


Why not reprint this instead of Caged Sun? I know there is a technical difference but they are so similar that having both seems pointless.
Posted By: SweetoothTKC (12/22/2011 11:06:41 PM)


Yes, the effects stack.
No, colorless is not a color, and so the effects don't extend to colorless creatures or colorless mana production. Besides, it only gives a mana boost if a basic land is tapped.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/4/2010 3:39:50 AM)


I used it in a mono white deck with celestial crusaders, crovax, ascendant hero and token makers like cloudgoat ranger mobilization. Extra mana is a game winner with mirror entity

'Course most other people put it in black decks so they can drain life for the win.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/22/2010 9:16:14 PM)


Yeah, it's strictly better in a mono deck because you CAN'T PLAY mirari's wake in a mono.\

Sucks if your opponent is playing your color, though.
Posted By: littlebeast (4/20/2010 8:28:50 PM)


It costs {5}, right? So, if your mana ramp style is by pushing out extra lands, then you can basically go from 5 mana available to 10 mana available the next turn (12 if you drop a land).
Really good, IMHO.
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (5/1/2010 8:16:23 PM)


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