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@elhajjaj : unfortunately no, Double-Faced cards cannot be turned Face-Down as they do not have a back. The Proxy card is just that, a Proxy, to be used in private zones where the back-face of a double-faced card would grant public knowledge in a private zone (deck, hand, face-down exile, etc). The Double-Faced card is the real card and the Proxy cannot exist in a public zone such as the Battlefield/Play or Graveyard.

Face-up and Face-Down are a status based on the MTG printed back. A double-faced card has a Front-face and Back-Face and no MTG printed back... thus cannot be turned face-down, nor cast face-down...

Sadly this also means a morphed card cannot be 'transformed' into play as it has a Face-Up an Face-Down status, not a Front-Face and Back-Face status...
Posted By: BossMoney (1/15/2012 3:11:01 PM)


EDH gold. Combos particularly well with Venser, The Sojourner as someone has mentioned. Trip Ixidron with Venser to renew his effect, or trip your own creature that's been morphed to restore it to its normal state. Also would have great synergy with Momentary Blink
Posted By: Gargantula (5/15/2012 3:31:11 PM)


I got to see how useful this card can be this weekend. I put it in my mono blue Kira EDH deck becasue I was looking for more board control and based on what I own, this was one of the options, and I finally got to use it.

Firstly, the ability doesn't target, so anything with hexproof or shroud is fair game. I'm much happier facing a 2/2 with one of those abilities than let's say a Kaalia, Geist or something else just as annoying. I ended up with a 7/7 or so. He was killed, and the best part about that was that they creatures stay face down even when he's removed/killed.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (5/21/2012 6:51:50 AM)


Play this, then let your Shaper Parasites go to work.
Posted By: GracefulInferno (6/8/2012 12:50:12 PM)


Unfortunately the errata specifies that face down cards have "no name", otherwise Ixidron and Echoing Truth suddenly becomes a board-wiper. What could have been.....
Posted By: DarkbladeWraith (6/9/2012 8:22:28 AM)


In that case Echoing Truth would have Killed Ixidron, and let them Re-Cast the big threats that you had just neutralized anyways.

EDH has been mentioned several tiime, but no-one has mentioned the best part. It is one of the best ways to neutralize a general. Un-morphing the general does not give them the option to send it to the command zone, so unless they get attacked (and block with their general) or waste a removal card on it, it will stay on the the board in it's worthless neutered form.

As a question, are Ixidrons P/T equal to the number of face-down creatures on the battlefield in all zones? I am thinking of placing him in my The Mimeoplasm EDH, and was wondering if consuming this guy for counters would give me one for each face down creature.
Posted By: orisiti (6/10/2012 10:59:05 AM)


@orisiti: Yes, its P/T are equal to the number of face-down creatures in all zones.

Also, Ixidron works against every general but one.
Posted By: syrazemyla (10/27/2012 11:02:21 AM)


@syrazemyla: Actually, since Ixidron's ability is non targeted, Akroma of Fury is affected by it as well.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (10/27/2012 4:58:08 PM)


@adrian.malacoda - Then Akroma would just morph again. That's what the person you answered was going for.
Posted By: Alsebra (11/1/2012 4:29:09 PM)


what if I put infinite reflection on this guy and cast another creature?
Posted By: evenblackerlotus (12/5/2012 11:50:24 PM)


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