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Darksteel Myr to own this
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (10/21/2010 8:01:54 PM)


While it's true that Darksteel Myr is a good counter to this, if you drop a Darksteel Myr, you can hang on to this card until you get a Tempered Steel or a Steel Overseer out, since the overseer's toughness will always be higher than the Myr's and the TS will allow you to start killing everything with toughness 3 or less to clear chump blockers while you swing with your 2/3 indestructible.
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (11/24/2010 9:46:22 AM)


Those goes great in a Naya Power 5 or greater deck.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (8/26/2010 7:45:19 AM)


Raging Goblin
Posted By: nickthemagicnerd (8/30/2010 4:10:47 AM)


That's... actually not a good idea. If you play it on turn one, and you went first, then the Porphyry Nodes will just be sacrificed, since there won't be any creatures in play.
Posted By: TDL (10/1/2010 4:20:30 PM)


@ChampionofSquee And fail against everything else.
Posted By: Gormaol (7/6/2011 1:44:21 AM)


Seems like an interesting card to play with Bloodghast + Perilous Forays. :o) Would also work good with creatures like Nether Spirit and Nether Traitor, and Grave Pact. Add Smallpox for more fun...
Posted By: EerieTeferi (10/27/2011 8:59:09 PM)


Good card for white; lots of creatures are sure to be in play within the first few turns. Never play too early or lose it! Drop of Honey is good too.
Posted By: Raubhautz (5/9/2012 3:56:21 PM)


This card's name does not make a damn bit of sense.

Granted, Drop of Honey is pretty nonsensical given its ability, but at least I know what a drop of honey is and I can envision a honey trap luring the weak, or something. I've never anybody who is able to describe the flavor of this card.

That having been said, this card's pretty awesome in multiplayer.
Posted By: Salient (1/12/2013 3:43:46 PM)


Regarding this card's name. According to Wikipedia:

"Porphyry is a variety of igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals, such as feldspar or quartz, dispersed in a fine-grained feldspathic matrix or groundmass. The larger crystals are called phenocrysts. In its non-geologic, traditional use, the term "porphyry" refers to the purple-red form of this stone, valued for its appearance.

The term "porphyry" is from Greek and means "purple". Purple was the color of royalty, and the "Imperial Porphyry" was a deep purple igneous rock with large crystals of plagioclase. This rock was prized for various monuments and building projects in Imperial Rome and later.

Subsequently the name was given to igneous rocks with large crystals. Porphyritic now refers to a texture of igneous rocks. Its chief characteristic is a large difference between the size of the tiny matrix crystals and other much larger phenocrysts. Porphyries may be aphanites or phanerites, that is, the groundmass may have i... (see all)
Posted By: Aquillion (6/4/2013 8:35:19 PM)


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