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123 >
This is the timeshifted version of Drop of Honey.
Posted By: Zorgrath (7/27/2013 2:18:22 AM)


I wish Drop wasn't so spendy, as this effect is a little better in Green. That said, this *does* enable white quite well due to it's over-the-curve power it normally gets. 2/1s for 1, 3/1s for 2, etc.

Also, if you buff your guys, this will likewise keep hitting and opponent instead of you. Using this next to a token-producing strategy means you can afford to continue playing creatures; giving your opponent (if he's using creatures) a lose-lose situation. Play into my strategy or hope you live until you find enchant removal; use it; then hope you can catch up.

Dryad militant
Accorder Paladin
This, Thalia
Veteran Swordsmith, Doomed Traveler

What can your opponent do but let it kill your guys? But a single Doomed Traveler, Gather the Townsfolk, or Lingering Souls buys you enough time to win the game. If they play something that's b... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/28/2013 11:07:01 AM)


Combos with Meishin, the Mind Cage and a full hand. Select any creature you want!
Posted By: Incanur (2/14/2014 2:23:52 PM)


Godhead of Awe casts her judgement!
Posted By: SimicPieSwallower (4/25/2014 6:47:40 PM)


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