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Community Rating: 2.781 / 5  (48 votes)
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I feel like trying to put this into a dredgey deck. We'll see..

May be neat with spellshapers + madness?
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/20/2013 9:59:00 AM)


This is a skill-tester for sure. It's no coincidence that the second ability does not require mana, and can be done at instant speed. This has a ton of applications in dredge and reanimator decks, and can also be used to up the Mortal Combat count. Furthermore, there are also times when you will desperately need the body, so you can even hardcast it. By the time you reach 7 mana, players may already have emptied their hands by that point.

Also, don't forget its uses in conjunction with stuff like Cursed Scroll or Magus of the Scroll (you can easily have it be the only card in your hand), or Wild Evocation (drop him for free). I'm sure there's also a ton more that I haven't even mentioned.
Posted By: Equinox523 (7/17/2013 6:42:49 AM)


I've had have a foil Phantasmagorian for 6 years and I had no idea what it was actually supposed to look like until about 6 months ago. Very shiny card, not too many uses though.
Posted By: BirkaBirkowski (12/24/2013 7:17:50 PM)


"Boy Morty, I really Cronenberg-ed the world up, didn't I?"
Posted By: surewhynot (2/3/2014 7:18:11 PM)


I understand he has his place, but I personally think cards need to be rated based on their overall usefulness. Just because he is useful is one particular strategy doesn't make this an excellent card, especially since he can be easily cut from a deck to fit something else in.
Posted By: shotoku64 (2/26/2014 10:40:06 AM)



"if you think this card is bad, it is in actuality you who is bad."

Not necessarily. Some people just aren't familiar with all the competitive decks out there. It doesn't mean that they are bad at the game.

Many Magic cards aren't supposed to be good on their own. The point of those cards is for players to build around them. Magic is made interesting by all the cards that aren't just "good overall," so I think that people should rate cards based on how useful they are in their niche.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/11/2014 1:32:40 PM)


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