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Lotus petal 5-6.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/10/2013 1:34:22 AM)


Something very nice about this vs. Lotus Petal (aside from also being a 3-drop 2/2 if you're desperate) is that it can power out pyrokinesis. Playing spell after spell in eternal formats is important. Everything is a resource, and tempo is terribly important.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/28/2013 7:20:06 PM)


Turn 1: Forest, Glistener Elf, discard the spirit guide, Burst of Speed, 2 Invigorates and 1 Mutagenic Growth.

11 infect damage. 7 Cards total. Reliable, never. Cool, incredibly.
Posted By: Sweater (6/22/2013 6:42:17 PM)


I love the fact that they chose a Gorilla to color shift a card from Alliances, where every card was codenamed with some type of Gorilla reference.
Posted By: BlackFlameAshura (8/3/2013 10:01:33 PM)


In many decks, this guy ends up being strictly better than Pyretic Ritual. Sure, Pyretic Ritual goes to the graveyard (so you can hit it with a Snapcaster Mage or something) and it can have it's cost reduced with cards like Ruby Medallion, but if all you're trying to do is increase your mana pool by one red, this guy is clearly superior.
Posted By: Zetan (9/16/2013 7:17:54 PM)


Anyone know if I can use the discard for mana ability after playing Gamble? Specifically, if my roll for gamble hits this card in my hand (as the card to discard), can I use the "mana" ability before I'm forced to ship it to the graveyard? If yes, will gamble force me to pick another card at random to discard?
Posted By: VeeBs (2/10/2014 9:49:27 PM)


I was thinking about Rituals instead of this for a {U}{R} deck. I mean, Rituals are Snapcasterable, make Pyromancer tokens, and flip Delvers!

I chose not to because this card is more flexible. You can play the ability mana/color-screwed, and if mana is irrelevant, it hits with legs. 4.5/5 Very good niche card.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (4/22/2014 9:05:48 PM)


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