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Community Rating: 3.895 / 5  (95 votes)
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One of my favorites. Absolutely brutal card - removing all cards is just beautiful,
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/4/2009 3:10:52 PM)


only good until they have no cards in hand.
Posted By: cadenblade (9/17/2009 9:54:25 PM)


amazing card...ive gotten it out early and dismantled my opponent....i only have one....a flier that causes discarding a card and all like it.....insane!...decks lacking fliers are in deep....doo doo
Posted By: LivingFoul (1/4/2010 9:23:41 AM)


Very, very powerful card!!
Posted By: Thought_Knocker (5/16/2009 12:38:35 AM)


This is the perfect creature for an MBC. its a cranial extraction / thoughtseize every turn! i give this card the award "the-wickedly-sick-cards-that-should-never-have-been-printed-but-thank-you-wizard-for-doing-so-anyway." this deserves 20/20 hahaha
oh yeah... "only good until thay have no cards in hand" of course they'll always have cards in their hands... this is what you do...MWAHAHAH first turn put down a swamp dark ritual then rancid earth, or any 3 to cast land Destroyer, second turn put down another swamp then hit them with a sinkhole, third turn put down another swamp or better yet put down a stripmine and then cast whatever wicked black spells you have up your sleeves... extirpate..duress...smallpox...thoughtsieze...hymn to tourach... 4th turn.. if by any chance you have another dark ritual.. you play that then play this specter... this is if you play second.. but if you play first that's a whole new game MWAHAHHHA a... (see all)
Posted By: Keropee (10/20/2009 5:28:57 PM)


This card might as well be (I DON'T mean this as an insult to it):

2BlackBlack - Funny Discard Spell

Target opponent reveals a removal or creature-damaging spell from his hand, pays its mana cost, and discards it.

I DON'T mean that as an insult. Part of the value of a great creature is that it makes your opponent blow his wad on his removal spells. Saying that this creature SCREAMS for removal is praise, not criticism! 4.5/5!
Posted By: Paleopaladin (9/10/2011 7:00:19 PM)


What's a shimian?
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/23/2010 8:26:29 PM)


Now that is a specter!
Posted By: NuclearMECCA (3/26/2010 7:38:22 PM)


Ummm.. WOW. I haven't, thankfully, been on the receiving end of this guy previously. What a powerhouse of an ability.

Would pair extremely well with any kind of prison/shutdown deck that slowed someone down, or filled their hand with draws.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (7/1/2010 10:13:27 AM)


@zk3 there is a fair amount of 2nd turn mana excell such as the signets, everflowing challice, mindstone, etc... that help this guy out. sure he's not saddled on a turn 1 dark ritual but he can be powerful

he really shines in UB where you increase your draw by letting your opponent draw, a la Jace, he can come out early enough to completely disrupt your opponents strategies, when playing control or combo decks, though he falls flat against agro, and specifically any red deck
Posted By: Gezus82 (1/15/2011 2:41:08 PM)


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