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Community Rating: 3.152 / 5  (46 votes)
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The cool thing about this is you can attack with it, see how they are going to respond, and if it is unfavorable to you, you can flip it up, which removes it from combat because it is no longer a creature.
Posted By: sincleanser (8/23/2011 9:04:19 AM)


Brilliant card on defense. You block with it and your other defenders, then unmorph it, making all your other blockers tougher and negating the damage from whatever it blocked.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/5/2012 11:43:28 PM)


If only that was +1/+0 but that bonus is still pretty nice, and as has been said, Morph is pretty boss especially since you can have suddenly defensive bonus.
3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (12/10/2012 8:04:39 PM)


I'd love to see whatever crazy plane this takes place on!
Posted By: Nagoragama (2/24/2013 10:26:20 PM)


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