I'd play this. Certainly a useful card, at the very least allowing you create surprise chump blocks for a mere 3 mana.
Posted By:
(5/21/2012 3:27:38 AM)
@bantar: What? I don't even... what exactly is your argument? I read it twice and the only thing I got from it was 'Tribes are unoriginal and bad.' There's no explanation or justification at all.
I don't get how creature types are unoriginal - maybe you mean because there's lots of references to soldiers or goblins outside Magic. That's an argument I can kind of understand at least, even if I don't agree with it.. it's like saying 'Those conformists breathing that air.. how can they be so boring and unoriginal?'
Posted By:
(3/29/2013 5:15:55 PM)
You'll need some kind of flyer defense, but otherwise this is a good way to boost your soldier count. I'd personally like it more than Sacred Mesa over the long run. Mesa will let you pump out more it's true, but it reduces the number of attackers each time. So while you get more, I feel like you'd have less attacking under anything less than ideal circumstances.
Posted By:
(4/10/2013 11:45:51 AM)
Why is everyone just sitting around?
Posted By:
(10/24/2013 5:43:21 PM)
@ bantar
To quote Lorendorky:
"I hope masterofetherium unhinges his jaw, swallows you whole and absorbs your pedantic mumblings."
Posted By:
(10/28/2013 11:14:07 AM)
"Stop enjoying the game in ways I don't enjoy. If you can't build a deck to show off your own originality and cleverness, you shouldn't play." -some poster on Gatherer.
But his argument fell apart because there are 263 Modern-legal soldier cards, not even counting cards that mention soldiers like Mobilization. Building a good soldier deck requires plenty of originality and cleverness.
Making the game a little easier for newbies does not make it worse for experienced players. You expect to lose to a new player with a tribal deck? You can easily steamroll them, then talk about card choices and help them improve.
Hints that help players understand new cards quickly are called "flavor".
Posted By:
(2/21/2014 9:11:23 AM)