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Community Rating: 4.586 / 5  (151 votes)
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Pros compared to Tinker:

-Only costs {R} to come out, subsequent activations FREE
-Destroyed artifacts can be fished back out
-Hits opponents

Cons compared to Tinker:

-Does not search library, card needs to be in graveyard. Comboes with Entomb, Buried Alive, but that requires splashing black
-Summoning sickness
-1/1 body dies to absolutely everything and anything
Posted By: Arachnos (7/21/2013 11:49:52 AM)


"I wrecked your Ichor Wellspring, boss. But look! I made you an Inkwell Leviathan."
Posted By: Kirbster (8/23/2013 2:05:48 AM)


"Um... boss? I'm sorry about this but... uh... I somehow wrecked your favorite ashtray. But it's okay; I somehow managed to dig up this weird bird-lion-lady-thing in the process. Oh, and look; she brought your ashtray back! How 'bout that? Tell ya' what boss; I feel really bad 'bout smashin' it, so I'll just go agead and put some fresh polish on it..."

*a few minutes later...*

"Hey boss, uh... funny story; you're not going to believe this, but... um... Ibrokeyourashtrayagain. Whoa, whoa, hold up; before you punch out another of my teeth, I just wanted to point out that I somehow managed to take the scrap metal and make this... uh... thing out of it. Looks like it could really knock some heads, eh boss? Though I gotta say, I don't really like the way it's lookin' at me..."
Posted By: DaMaster012 (9/2/2013 4:44:20 PM)


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