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I love Future Sight cards!!!
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (6/8/2010 7:33:04 PM)


Everyone says elf is the superior tribe. But how many elves do you see hanging around a Swarmyard, holding down the fort while you grow your Scute Mobs and armies of Ants?
Posted By: Steinhauser (9/12/2011 12:27:56 AM)


Deadly recluse is like a better version of this. It has reach and deathtouch so its better off as a blocker but that 1 toughness doesn't do much for it. Of course in an Elf Deck, this might actually be good.
Posted By: Volcre (8/29/2009 9:02:20 AM)


Deadly Recluse is better in a vacuum, but its an elf, so that makes it about equal. And no one in their right mind would gang block a 2/1 deathtouch, though it does kill ur opponent a lot faster, presuming its not blocked by an arbitrary 1/1
Posted By: ddong (7/30/2011 12:59:56 AM)


I don't understand why this was in Future Sight...
Posted By: Keegan__ (7/30/2009 8:49:32 PM)


I prefer deadly recluse. if you have deathtouch, does power really matter?
Posted By: adam_b (3/23/2010 7:23:28 AM)


In terms of projected deathtouch (viridian longbow combo) deadly recluse is more suited
Posted By: Quang (4/2/2010 4:46:29 AM)


I actually like this better than recluse, by a lot. The extra point of toughness only matters when your opponent is attacking with 1/1s, and if you're being attacked by 1/1s they're probably attacking with a lot of them, so a single creature matters less anyway. With this, you can apply a reasonable clock and pressure your opponent to block, in which case they'll eventually be forced to block, likely trading your two-drop with a bigger creature.
Posted By: Max_Glycine (3/25/2012 4:25:28 PM)


I prefer Deadly Recluse. The art is better on this card, and the creature type is more relevant, but pingers are really popular among casual groups and players would be smart to take this guy out. But clearly if you're in an elf deck you will choose this over Deadly Recluse, and it's still a great choice.
Posted By: sarroth (4/24/2012 4:20:58 PM)


2 power is twice as good as 1 power.
2 damage = 10 turn clock.
1 damage = 20 turn clock.

Toughness is good verse pingers, 1 power creatures, or 1 damage burns, but otherwise go with the power.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/7/2012 11:59:56 AM)


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