This cards suits green just fine. Here are a couple more points to support his greenness. He is a magus of a land. If any color has lands as part of its flavor it is green. Ya, there is Magus of the Coffers, but Cabal Coffers produces black mana so it's pretty safe to align it with a black creature. Also, this magus taps for mana, what's the primary color for mana dorks? Ah yes, green. Yeah, I know a two drop mana dork isn't the greatest, but I have a feeling this guy would have become a little too good as a one drop. Well that's my two cents on this card.
Posted By:
(11/21/2012 7:12:30 AM)
This has some nice synergy with Mentor of the Meek. As far as how good he is compared to the rest of the cycle, I have to say he's one of the weaker magi, but even then this is a really good card from a cycle of really good cards.
Posted By:
(2/19/2013 3:15:08 PM)
Everybody is saying how this should be blue because it draws cards, but green is actually second only to blue in card draw.
Posted By:
(5/4/2013 1:52:45 PM)
Though people always discuss whether the transition to creature helps or not, there's one important thing here - this guy is a WIZARD.
What do wizards do best? Draw Cards. You can build a Wizard Tribal deck based around card draw and this little guy fits in perfectly. Plus, mana ramp when you can't do the card draw. That's a deal in my book. And Simic just made Blue/Green Wizards even more viable.
Posted By:
(6/11/2013 5:32:14 AM)
@FirstPrime: I don't think you noticed that there's five Magi based on lands - one in each colour. Just like there's one Magus for each colour based on an artifact, and one for an enchantment.
@Everyone else: Sylvan Library is not a land. It doesn't fit. End of discussion. Go complain about it on Magus of the Vineyard instead.
Funny. Of the cycle, the Library of Alexandria is actually the only land with a costless mana ability.
Posted By:
(7/5/2013 12:50:31 AM)
If this cost 1 it would be almost as strong as the original library.
Posted By:
(5/26/2014 11:59:55 PM)
Wow. I don't know how much of an impact this had on the standard of time spiral block, but it looks like an amazing card. Sure, it dies to everything but it draws cards without any mana investment. Then again, I suppose the reason the library was so good is that it worked immediately if you were on the draw.
Posted By:
(6/2/2014 3:03:05 PM)