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Community Rating: 4.060 / 5  (182 votes)
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he's weak as far as planeswalkers go, he actually basically has NO FINISHER. i mean, sure your monsters have a power-up, but he still doesn't do anything cool. still, all in all he's one planeswalker who's always active, you can use each of his abilities fast and most of them can be used each turn.
Posted By: BrimandVormay (4/8/2009 11:11:15 AM)


Nine times out of ten, it only survives long enough to be either :2:: do nothing or :2gg:: put a 3/3 into play. Green can do better.
Posted By: SimicGuildmage (11/15/2008 1:05:42 PM)


yes you can play it if its 5 mana. first tap the three and it goes into your mana pool. then use garruk to untap 2 and then retap 2 of the land making a total of 5 mana. your mana pool doesn't empty until end of turn. so you can add and re-add mana to the pool until you have enuff to do what-ever as long as its before the end of your turn.
Posted By: monkfu (7/1/2011 8:56:31 PM)


what personally like about him is that he (effectively) only costs two
Posted By: calebbevers (7/20/2011 1:08:12 PM)


3 3/3s for 4 mana is pretty good; even over 3 turns; but usually you'll:
-Drop a beast now, ramp next turn into something 6-7 cost
-Ramp now, getting a 2-3 drop out
-Ramp now pointlessly because you're going to use him as a ticking overrun

He's always useful either by gaining board position, mana-fixing, ramping into a finisher, comboing, or whatever else. Fun and fantastic with Lotus Cobra; also, ~$5; which isn't bad for a decent walker that will probably get reprinted.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/24/2013 9:50:48 AM)


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