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Oh hi there oppenent, i'll be taking your Phyrexian Dreadnought that you got out last turn and you can have my Jinxed Idol as compensation, cheers!
Posted By: SpikeshotGoblin (2/26/2011 1:25:24 PM)


you can trade what you get with chamber of manipulation, but you can even give away the enchantment itself and the land would keep the ability. Same trick with other cards that dont involve a controller, like oblivion ring, leyline of singularity, pacifism, fertile ground.
Posted By: Tezz (3/1/2011 5:30:23 AM)


If you're looking for things to trade, how about Spine of Ish Sah? Admittedly it's not Illusions of Grandeur, but the higher CMC means you can trade for bigger things.
Posted By: Grumman (11/30/2011 1:55:51 AM)


Puca's Mischief, Rain of Gore, Lich's Mirror. There is nothing more powerful in MAGIC. Result: an infinite number of losses. Want faster? reliable? Use Vintage Mana. Donesies.

Alternatively, just stick this combo in next to Splinter Twin-Deciever Exarch, next to Dark Depths Vampire Hexmage. One of your combos will probably work.
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/11/2012 9:45:33 PM)


Who's Puca?
Posted By: dlgn (5/9/2012 9:42:28 AM)


Venser says you can steal something every turn
Posted By: theVillageIdiot (8/16/2012 8:18:15 AM)


Scornful Egotist FTW
Posted By: yuvalg (9/14/2013 1:34:39 AM)


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the interaction with Venser, the Sojourner. I trade you my whatever, then use Venser's +1 to flash it back under my control at end of turn, while abusing an ETB effect for good measure. Probably the worst/best thing I've done in EDH:

Step 1: Illusions of Grandeur, activating Strionic Resonator so I gain 40 life instead of 20.
Step 2: Use mischief to exchange for something useful ("hey, your Sol Ring is pretty cool")
Step 3: Venser's +1 exiles Illusions of Grandeur (20 point life loss for opponent), returns to me at EOT, another Strionic Resonator activation, 40 life.
Posted By: CarlosLiberated (11/8/2013 10:42:01 AM)


Here, you can have my Squire in exchange for your Tarmogoyf.

That actually gives me a neat idea for a cheap kill spell:

Destroy target nonblack creature. The controller of that creature gains control of target creature you own with converted mana cost greater than or equal to that of the destroyed creature.

Could use a bit of polishing, but I'd play it.
Posted By: Totema (2/3/2014 11:59:21 AM)


This card works with so much: etb effects, massive recurring drawbacks (look at all the comments on bazaar trader or zedruu the greathearted to figure that deck out), auras/global enchantments, fading/vanishing, echo, cumulative upkeep, undying/persist, or cards that can be put into play for less than their cmc (scornful egotist, reaper king, etc.).

If you are going with etb, consider brand/gruul charm. The bodies on etb creatures may not be that good, but its always better for you to have them than your opponent. Venser the sojourner is an obvious choice as well. There are quite a few blinks that can hit opponent's creatures and give them back to you. Sudden disappearance would be the most brutal. Then theres Momentary Blink, Vanish into Memory, Voidwalk, a... (see all)
Posted By: jonrds (2/18/2014 11:40:05 AM)


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