Could someone clarify this card? Suppose it's played on a swamp and the owner taps it for mana. Does it
- Procude a black mana since it's still a swamp
- Produce a blue mana since it's not an island
- Produce two mana (one black, one blue) - making this a great card for mana acceleration
- Produce one mana of the owner's choice (black or blue)
Posted By:
(8/2/2009 7:30:17 AM)
maybe some additional potential to interact with domain here, although if you already have blue...
Posted By:
(2/25/2009 5:39:07 PM)
Merrow Harbinger, Silvergill Adept, Tidal Courier, and Wanderwine Hub
Posted By:
(3/18/2013 4:48:32 PM)
Gotta admit this card is a staple for any island walk merfolk deck. It has allot of uses. It is technically a merfolk spell so it will put a counter on door of destinies, you can reveal it for silvergill adept and it is practically free if you control a merrow reejery if you control more you can also untap another land thus adding more land plus who doesn't like drawing cards. when not in merfolk tribal there is better but for where it belongs it's golden.
Posted By:
(9/7/2013 7:07:06 PM)