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The Unstable Mutation combo isn't that bad i guess, but this is likely not the most useful combo with that card, many enchantment or equipment effects will do fine as well. Umezawa's Jitte for example, or Banshee's Blade, which is normally inferior to the Jitte, yet can help keeping that guy up for a longer period of time.
Test of Faith should do nice with this card as well since you'll save the Ouphe from the graveyard at least once.
Posted By: Mode (8/9/2009 10:53:34 PM)


For 2B getting a 4/3 is always awesome, even if it kills itself. Getting additional upside along with it? Gravy.
Posted By: TPmanW (1/9/2011 10:27:32 PM)


Use Undying Evil on this to keep bringing it back for more draws.
Posted By: MechaKraken (10/2/2012 6:46:31 PM)


Its the definition of suicide black.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (5/16/2011 4:34:09 PM)


In Black A Beatstick Thats Cheap And Draws You Cards With Out Loosin You Life. Priceless. Great In Black Green Aggro Control. Maelstrom Pulse, Putrefy, CreakWood Liege.
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/8/2011 7:37:07 PM)


The cc shold've been 2, then it would've been ok. 3 is too expensive considering that most of the time you'd only attack once before it hits the sack. Swinging for 3 (it gets its first counter when it attacks and not after) and then drawing a card isn't worth spending 3 mana on. With Unstable Mutation it becomes increasingly better but that demands that you draw both cards and get them both online and yet someone could easily plow it before you reap the benefits. If I want card advandge + beater I'd go with Dark Confidant + Tarmogoyf over Urchins + Mutation any time.
Posted By: blackjackz (3/3/2010 7:56:47 AM)


Mikaeus, the unhallowed
Posted By: imsully2 (6/17/2012 9:08:08 AM)


This is the most underrated card ever.

1. scares the heck out of your opponent when you drop it turn 2-3

2. works great with undying

3. attracts removal on a 3 drop who helps draw cards

what more could you want?!
Posted By: xBattlemagex (12/12/2012 3:32:42 PM)


Everlasting torment and a nice pump spell can be sure to draw you a bunch of cards out of nowhere.

Having low color-weight makes me consider this card for a few decks. Card draw is nice, especially for "free"
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/21/2013 12:53:38 PM)


Heartless Summoning makes this cost Black, get a dude, and still draw 2 cards.
Posted By: MattLynn (4/26/2013 7:24:01 AM)


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