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Community Rating: 4.180 / 5  (64 votes)
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This with Reya Dawnbringer, Marshall's Anthem and Jaya Ballard, Taskmage is a lot of fun!
Posted By: darkhissatsu (3/1/2010 8:41:45 AM)


Yawgmoth's Agenda?
Posted By: sWackDEF (7/27/2010 1:01:35 PM)


Seems like they made this with Retrace in mind...in fact, I think I'm gonna make a Retrace deck with this!
Posted By: Superllama12 (10/11/2011 4:36:13 PM)


Super-best friends with any reanimators, but also Crucible of Worlds! Card advantage for recursion, and a durable body? This is certainly worth the 5 it charges for admission.
Posted By: Enelysios (4/15/2012 4:49:19 AM)


Ash Zealot has had enough of your shenanigans...necromancer?
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/22/2013 7:49:49 PM)


These guy may look innocuous, but he used to be a go-to Dread Return creature for Vintage Dredge decks (2009-2010). It moves a Dredge deck away from a blazing aggro build and closer to a tempo/control build. Your Ichorids become cantrips, which reduces your reliance on Bazaar of Baghdad.

Kelpie is almost unanswerable, unless your opponent counters the Dread Return. And you can easily prevent that by using Cabal Therapy to remove counter-spells from your opponent's hand.

If you've never played Vintage, download OCTGN and give it a try. It's fun to play with some of Magic's most powerful cards without having to, y'know, own them.

Note that you can trigger both of River Kelpie's abilities with one card, by flashing back Unburial Rites. But yeah, that's about it.
Posted By: Salient (3/1/2014 11:07:12 AM)


@endersblade: How about Goblin Bombardment and Melira, Sylvok Outcast and we just overlook that card drawing or utilize it to pull the Bombardment out?
....or even Masticore with Ashnod's Altar--there's your machine gun;
Or Ashnod's Altar + Increasing Confusion or any other {X} spell (banefire, stroke of genius, etc.);
Blue Sun's Zenith + Storm seeker;
Mind Over Matter

this is just johnny, combo player to the max. 5/5 for the spirit of magic
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/9/2014 12:02:02 PM)


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