The most terrifying card of all time. Once, my opponent played this one the first turn. I didn't even bother to look at my hand before conceding.
Posted By:
(4/1/2012 12:17:53 PM)
I guess you could use it in Commander to tick people off... That sac ability could have done without the activation.
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 4:58:22 AM)
This + Psychic Surgery + Rings of Brighthearth.
Posted By:
(7/21/2012 1:12:22 PM)
@Arachibutyrophobia - How'd you get the blue mana needed for the Rite without popping one of the Lotuses for blue??
Posted By:
(9/22/2012 12:53:12 PM)
Its a mons's goblin raiders that can hose divining top or ponder. Can also get some rouge interactions going on.
Posted By:
(2/11/2013 3:12:53 AM)
This card was made for EDH
General got tucked? Now its shuffled so its not at the bottom.
Someone just Tutored and put it as thier next draw slot?
Use your Ten cent card to foil thier money card tutor!
Posted By:
(2/27/2013 12:14:33 PM)
It's my first belief that anything you can use in a good combo or perform an interesting effect with should get at least a 2. Now, this is a pretty lame effect. It's highly unlikely this guy will win you games. But he's also a 1/1 for 1, which is always at least decent without a drawback. So he gets a 2.5 from me. Not because he is good, but because he's not really bad.
On another note, though, the guy's similar to Soldier of Fortune, 'cept with arguably TWO better creature types. Why the huge discrepancy? I can understand the sacrifice thing puts people off, but the ability isn't the best anyway.
Posted By:
(6/28/2013 2:25:12 AM)
"Auntie wisdom." Uh huh.
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 7:37:36 AM)
Niche effect, but it has its uses (messing up top-of-the-library tutors.) Hoses Harbingers in limited, as well as getting rid of a scary thing that a Clash revealed. And it can attack or block.
Posted By:
(12/16/2013 12:28:53 PM)