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Community Rating: 4.261 / 5  (109 votes)
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This guy and Mulldrifter are the best of the greater elementals.
But Shriekmaw wins because it looks AMAZING in foil. Shriekmaw 4eva
Posted By: axiobeta (9/13/2011 12:29:16 AM)


Kills a creature, then kills your opponent (by attacking, I guess). I like it. The Evoke is a fun bonus. Comparable to Mulldrifter.
Posted By: Cactmoore (11/4/2011 9:36:34 AM)


It's not often you see a fog-breathing Screech Owl/Butterfly/Salamander hybrid. Incredible art for a great card. Elementals like this are why I just had to make a Greater Elemental deck back when Lorwyn was released.
Posted By: N3wtn (7/2/2012 5:40:46 PM)


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