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Wow.. it suddenly occurs to me that Landfall decks might need to have a big amounts of land if they're running Scapeshift. Really, you can get 7 lands into play on your 4th turn using Khalni Heart Expedition and Harrow. If you scapeshift on the next turn, that's gonna be 14 lands taken out of your library already. And if you scapeshift again, that's gonna be 28 ... Man.. I'm happy that "destroy all lands" effects aren't as commonly played in my local store as they used to be.

But just try to imagine Scapeshift + Ob Nixilis
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (10/28/2009 6:11:53 AM)


This card will thin your deck, removing those pesky land-draws for late-game play.
Posted By: Guest570589062 (9/12/2009 9:36:25 AM)


Try out with Rampaging Baloths - it's quite fun... ;-)
Posted By: Emiman (10/27/2009 1:23:11 PM)


I'd never seen this card used till someone accelerated into a bunch of land, then Scapeshifted into four Valakuts and a bunch of Mountains. Cue gaping at the board as I realized I was already dead.
Posted By: Azazyel (6/19/2010 12:37:56 PM)


as a casual player, i love this card. i just found out about it when i was looking for more cards for my reanimator/landfall deck with Oby (landfall demon) Lotus cobra, Rampaging Baloths, vineash kudzu, Avenger of Zendikar, and amulet of vigor. i think it works pretty well
Posted By: vomitron6000 (10/9/2010 6:35:34 PM)


this is absolutely sick in a landfall deck! but i can also see it played in a multicolor (3 colors+) deck.
Posted By: GengilOrbios (7/12/2011 3:31:47 AM)


Hello Fetchlands. Hello Landfall abilities. See where I'm getting at?
Posted By: Hugo1 (11/10/2011 7:27:32 AM)


Landfall loves this.
Posted By: ESUpin (9/28/2009 7:02:52 PM)


Why does such a card have to be double-green? :(
Well, depandant on deck it can still be preferable to Gaea's Balance, since you can fetch any lands, including nonbasics like duals, the Urza's or Cloudposts.
Posted By: Mode (8/4/2009 10:00:03 AM)


If it was standard legal I would go buy four right away for my Bant Landfall deck... So good! Late game, I got ten lands a pair of Emeria Angels and looking for a way to finally win the game. Sac all 10 lands get 20 birds, crank my Windrider Eel up to a 22/22 and extend my hand for a shake.
Posted By: Lunarblade (6/2/2010 7:08:57 PM)


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