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Community Rating: 3.764 / 5  (70 votes)
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So a repeatable Final Punishment
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (5/12/2010 1:24:58 PM)


As a late game/already have creatures in play enchantment, it's a good card. That is especially true with flyers or tramplers. I've paired it with Rage Reflection in a red/black deck to deal 24 damage with Knollspine Dragon to win. Variable Colorless Patience is a virtue guys.
Posted By: Controllerofminds (8/8/2009 12:40:28 AM)


combine this with quietus spike and you will drain all your opponents life in one turn.
Posted By: thatmohawkguy (6/16/2009 10:01:23 PM)


If you can afford to play it, this card rocks. A third or fourth turn Chandra, followed by this, and them her third ability when you can get to it.
Posted By: papajew (3/12/2009 6:53:38 PM)


In normal 1vs1 games, this card plain sucks. Just compare it to Corrupt.

- deals about 6 damage right when you play it
- gains you life
- can also kill creatures

Wound Reflection:
- does nothing by itself when you play it
- is unlike corrupt vulnerable to bounce and cards that destroy or steal enchantments
- cant kill creatures
- doesnt gain you life
- you have to deal at least 6 damage to your opponent, before this card deals the same damage as corrupt
- you must have other permanents in play to deal damage (if they are creatures, they must be able to attack, be unblocked and deal a reasonable amount of damage). Else, you have to wait a turn until you have mana again to play some spells to deal damage

In multiplayer games where you start with 40 life, this card might make sense (but also will make everyone attack you). In 1vs1, it's plain useless. Horrible card. I'd never play it. Sounds fun if you think "Oooooh double damage!" but it is really reall... (see all)
Posted By: majinara (6/29/2009 4:59:31 AM)


Things like Repay in Kind wouldn't actually work with this card, since they simply change your opponent's life total instead of causing them to lose life. Still a sweet card, especially in a B/R deck: Pestilence/Pyrohemia, red burn spells, etc. 4/5 for being a bit pricey
Posted By: Faildini (12/1/2010 3:10:03 PM)


this and blood tribute work well if you can get them both out
Posted By: stingray1560 (8/17/2010 10:40:46 AM)


attack with massive fatty, they let it go unblocked, thinking "i'll kill it next turn lols." That's when main phase 2 comes in handy
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/14/2011 3:42:38 AM)


I think that majinara is a smarter MasterOfEtherium at this point. Not that it's hard to be smarter than MOE.
Also, Temporal Extortion.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (4/20/2011 1:04:44 AM)


Heartless Hidetsugu

But I like Furnace of Rath better in that, and every other situation.
Posted By: Atali (4/27/2011 10:36:37 PM)


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