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Community Rating: 3.764 / 5  (70 votes)
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What if you play two or three Wound Reflection would they stack?
Posted By: Mr.Sledz (6/2/2011 1:44:23 PM)


This card is pretty cool, I just have one tiny quibble with it- I am trying to make the Spike-tastic-iest deck of BROKEN SHIT imaginable, starting with breaking Kaalia, which leads to breaking the 3 biggest offenders in Kaalia: Avacyn, Gisela, and Griselbrand.

This takes me down a Stoneforge Mystic Route pretty quickly, and the number of one-two Idiotically Powerful Combos is pretty amazing. Like Worldslayer + Avacyn, Or Land Tax + Demonic Hordes. Concerted Effort + Sword of Vengeance is also quite nice. That's just for breaking Avacyn.

To break Gisela, I liked the idea of adding Avatar of Slaughter, Warsturm Surge, and Inquisitor's Flail, as well as Ghosts of the Innocent. As it turns out, s... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (5/14/2012 10:05:10 PM)


Oh my goodness this is a powerful card.

My current favorite EDH deck is helmed by Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief, and is kind of a life drain "kill you with mana" kind of deal, stuff like Consume Spirit, Drain Life, Exsanguinate, fueled by Cabal Coffers, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Deserted Temple, Rings of Brighthearth, it gets a lot of mana. So when I'm able to Diabolic Revelation for 5-6 cards, I usually grab this, Sorin Markov, Blood Tribute, Sanguine Bond (and Exquisite Blood if I'm feeling particularly evil that day) and just one shot my opponents.

5/5 would buy again.
Posted By: Lyriq (10/5/2012 2:01:26 PM)


@majinara By your logic, all triggered abilities, all combos, and all enchantments just suck. You're comparing a sorcery to a freaking enchantment. That's like saying that sorceries suck compared to instants, when in reality they both have good and bad sides.
Posted By: atemu1234 (11/4/2012 2:31:17 PM)


Suddenly... Havoc Festival.
Posted By: Elvoran (12/5/2012 1:51:07 AM)


Haha...breath of malfegor.
Posted By: Hercynian (1/15/2013 9:04:10 PM)


This card combos well with temporal extortion!
Posted By: demonknight18 (1/19/2013 4:57:15 PM)


"Damage causes loss of life". What an astute observation, sherlock.
Posted By: GrayWizard (4/9/2013 6:38:58 PM)


So much better for red than red's own card in this cycle (Rage Reflection). Not strictly better, but considering a lot of red decks just run burn spells and few if any creatures...
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (11/29/2013 12:28:45 PM)


A freaking nuclear bomb in EDH!

This + Temporal Extortion = Let me take an extra turn, or you die.
This + Sorin Markov = If you have 20 or more life, you die.
This + Quietus Spike = If left unblocked, you die.
This + Heartless Hidetsugu = Tap to kill everyone, or left the lucky people with life at an odd number with 1 life

Posted By: Drak3Z (12/26/2013 12:08:32 PM)


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