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If you change its subtype to Hound, congratulations! You have a Regal Beagle.

If you just want to abuse its bombtastic effect, shuffle it into your Roon of the Hidden Realm deck.
Posted By: Salient (3/7/2014 6:27:47 PM)


He’s the King of the 10 Minute Turn, and his groovy art celebrates how nature can succeed with synergistic strength in numbers, not just big claws or venomous fangs. My main cards can go down in any order, but they include Elvish Archdruid to get you the 7 mana, then Genesis Wave, Elvish Promenade or Ambush Commander to get him 10 creatures to draw 10 cards.

Once you start slapping down cards, while your friends go off to make popcorn and belittle your ancestry, with any luck, Soul of the Harvest will already be down, letting you draw another card each time a creature on the battlefield, or Karametra, God of Harvests (who is an indestructible creature now FOR SURE), will let you search for and deploy another white or green land, which of course instantly becomes an Elf due to Promenade.

It takes about as long to do all this as to make stove top popcorn, but... (see all)
Posted By: Potrezebie (5/18/2014 7:59:21 AM)


In a Kruphix, God of Horizons EDH deck, you've got mana for all kinds of shenanigans with this guy. Make a giant pile of slime with Gelatinous Genesis, then Regal. Bounce him back to your hand with Aether Mutation, get 7 green Saprolings, re-cast.
Posted By: questionflanger (6/3/2014 12:25:46 PM)


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