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Community Rating: 4.424 / 5  (46 votes)
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This is the card that powers High Tide combo decks, probably still the most powerful mono-blue combo deck. (Turn 3 or 4, you High Tide and Reset/Turnabout/Candelabra of Tawnos into a ton of mana, culminating in a gigantic Braingeyser/Stroke of Genius aimed at your opponent. Best I've seen was Stroke for 113, using some crazy phenomenal tricks.) The banning of Mystical Tutor makes High Tide Combo harder to play, but it's still pretty awesome to watch it go off.

I guess the "after the upkeep" clause is to ensure the opponent gets to draw before you kill them. :)
Posted By: Salient (7/27/2012 11:29:57 PM)


Italian versions of this card have STAP in all caps where they tell you to untap your lands.
It's funny, and while you and your opponent are having a good laugh you get to combo out and kill them.
Everyone wins! (But mostly you)
Posted By: Pick15 (11/12/2013 9:13:36 PM)


A good card, with out being too abuse-able.
Posted By: car2n (4/10/2014 4:50:16 PM)


I love this card for what it did in spawning solidarity, one of the greatest deck building feats of all time (a deck built to win on their turn) i've been teaching people to play competitive magic, and being able to win with solidarity is always the final test.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (4/21/2014 8:34:53 AM)


If MTG ever had a Pez dispenser, this would be it!
Posted By: Mike-C (6/1/2014 3:55:19 AM)


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