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Community Rating: 4.567 / 5  (134 votes)
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@Zacklar: Read the card before posting any drivel. Sorrows Path clearly states:

"Whenever Sorrow's Path becomes tapped, it deals 2 damage to you and each creature you control."

Doesn't matter how it gets tapped.
Posted By: tavaritz (10/2/2011 7:34:48 AM)


"Please, have my Illusions of Grandeur. I couldn't possibly pay its cumulative upkeep any longer!"
Posted By: forumbrowser (5/27/2012 8:35:00 PM)


Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (8/11/2012 11:30:29 PM)


Winning in a boss way:

>Clean the field of creatures.
>Have Form of the Dragon on you.
>Drop Witchbane Orb
>Donate Form of the Dragon.
>Laugh like a manic as he can't target anyone else
with the fire ball than himself.
Posted By: Volvary (4/7/2013 11:34:45 AM)


I remember pulling one as a kid, thinking "what the **** can I do with this?".
Fastforward years later, to the age of widespread internet and me seriously getting into magic:
This thing is hilarious. The uses for this card range from the complicated (summoner's egg/phage routine) to absurdly lethal (the infamous Illusions). Rating? Depends on the user, but usually when you see an opponent cast this you know you are in trouble.
Posted By: FreakyM (1/12/2009 10:31:56 AM)


a blue card with an urza's block symbol? screw this Im not bothering to read it. its 5 stars, its broken, theres a zillion combos and it makes kids cry, right? im getting one. :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/22/2011 2:16:37 PM)


This is pretty much the ultimate Johnny card.
Posted By: Backroll (11/24/2008 10:23:29 AM)


Whoops, for 10 years you've all been doing it wrong. That Illusions of Grandeur deck? Yeah apparently Donate was extremely broken BEFORE that card was made, with two OTHER cards that I am fairly certain no healthy mind could possibly think of Donating...>.>

Thankfully, JacktheStripper doesn't have a healthy mind, so when I looked up Oath of Lim-Dûl I saw him say this:

"Donate this and Necropotence. Hurts like hell unless I'm reading a rule wrong."



That's right folks. Somewhere, someone out there is busy breaking Necropotence BY DONATING IT?!?!

And it works. My God there is something wrong with that person's brain. And something even more wrong than I thought with Necropotence. InQuest gave it a 0/5 before later changing to 5/5. It's possible that when Ice Age wasn't so old and Urza's Saga was brand new, this combo would have torn up people just as well as the 'conventional' uses of Necropotence that we... (see all)
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (10/6/2012 1:12:33 AM)


I just love how this card was meant to be a Johnny card, but it turned out to have too many combos... Of course the TRUE Johnnys are the ones making combos with cards like Mudhole...
Posted By: phyrexiantrygon (1/9/2012 8:29:49 PM)


Ok guys, here is some GREAT cards to use with Donate:
Colfenor's Plans
Nefarious Lich
Delusions of Mediocrity

HAVE FUN!!! (and think twice when you say Donate isn't a good card!)
Posted By: Guest1334148255 (10/13/2009 1:54:01 PM)


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