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I play this in my Jarad, EDH deck and I use cards like Disciple of Bolas and Momentous Fall so I get a big hand, I also use Scroll Rack so then I can use my hand to alter my deck. I have a Worldspine Wurm in my hand, I tap 1, use the racks ability, draw a card and put my Wurm on the top of the deck, and sac Gamekeeper to get a worldspine wurm

TL;DR: Deck manipulation + Big Creature + Gamekeeper = Power
Posted By: hedronMatrix (11/3/2012 1:50:28 PM)


Seems like it would play nicely with Natural Order.
Posted By: MindAblaze (3/11/2013 1:25:09 PM)


Excuse me? They were not thinking about this sucker when they made dredge O.o
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/6/2013 3:21:15 AM)


U/G deck with Ponder / Brainstorm / Index / etc. .. scry .. then sacrifice to Ambush Commander or whatever.

Also fun: Enchant with Pattern of Rebirth first.
Posted By: MagnusMtG (12/30/2013 9:45:10 AM)


wordly tutor + sac outlet = any creature you want

For a more fun way to use him; Scouting Trek can ensure you don't draw any more lands; possibly next to Life from the Loam or Tilling Treefolk so you can still get them.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/23/2014 3:29:59 PM)


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