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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the sweet, green-mana love this guy makes to Omnath.
Its epic.
Posted By: ZestuXIII (4/21/2011 3:52:42 PM)


forest, Llanowar
forest, Rofellos, tap Llanowar for another Llanowar
forest, tap Rofellos, tap 3 forest, Mana Reflection
forest, tap Rofellos for 8, tap all 4 forest for another 8, Emrakul.

I once made a friend cry with this. ;)
Posted By: Delixu (4/22/2011 11:29:16 AM)


He may be a banned general, but there's no reason not to put this guy in mono green EDH.
Posted By: _X_ (6/15/2011 8:45:10 AM)


Turn One, Forest+Joraga Treespeaker. Turn Two, Forest+ Gaea's Touch into another forest, Sacrifice Gaea's Touch, level Joraga Treespeaker, tap for Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, use the last mana for Instill Energy. Now that may be 7 cards already but 11 mana on turn 2 with 6 still available for whatever those 1 or 2 cards you have left are is not too bad, but as long as I'm indulging in this pipe dream let's say you play a Harmonize for draw and then plonk down a Priest of Titania with the remaining 2 mana. Now you not only have 1 or 2 cards STILL remaining but you have 14 mana by the end of turn two...that's silly; now to finish off this dream let's say your remaining two cards (you went second) are a forest and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn; put down the forest (now you have 16 mana turn 3 without tapping anything) and play Emrakul, but not be... (see all)
Posted By: GoofyAce (6/27/2011 11:53:37 PM)


Ive got a card that doubles the ammoun of mana generated. put 4 of both in a green deck and uve just solved the posibility of being mana screwd
Posted By: asskicker123456789 (11/7/2011 6:35:03 PM)


I just got this guy. Now to see how quickly he dies in multi-player.
Posted By: Doowyeh (1/6/2012 1:31:42 AM)


Rofellos, why you so hax??? Still one of my favorites though! 5/5
Posted By: Suddsy12 (6/2/2012 12:57:00 PM)


should have been drawn giving a "thumbs up"
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (7/26/2012 2:31:45 AM)


Look at that goddamned smile.

♪He's a jolly good fella
He makes lots of green mana
Don't make him mad he'll cut ya
Like back in Urza's Saga♪
Posted By: SugarMill (8/11/2012 8:45:17 AM)


Hold on...

Posted By: sogeking27 (10/3/2012 1:43:51 AM)


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