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Community Rating: 3.815 / 5  (130 votes)
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i love this card playing it in a solider deck is ideal playing captain of the watch out on turn three and turn four having another one come out and attacking with 5 soliders
Posted By: greenwhitegod (9/28/2009 6:40:20 AM)


Magic is too clever. They made an ability for the soldiers to gain haste like goblins and a better one. I imagine the best possible hand you can have with this in your hand is like so:
1st turn: Elite Vanguard
2nd turn: Raise the alarm(opponents turn), opponent's life is 18.
3rd turn: Preeminent Capt., opponent's life is 14.
4th turn: Play any spell(s) that buffs your creature then attack, your opponent may take 18 damage.
Posted By: jumpenrun (1/19/2010 8:01:28 PM)


Those odd little kithkin heads creep me out. It's like an anvil fell on them.
Posted By: Youlose20life (1/28/2011 11:08:21 PM)


So good
Posted By: thaviel (3/11/2009 9:18:27 PM)


I don't know why this card is rated so high (4.70+). His casting cost is three, which is a fair cost, but not spectacular. Very good card, works well with Captain of the Watch, but not a superb card. I prefer Field Marshal in the '3 slot' instead of this, especially with Raise the Alarm. Overall 4/5.
Posted By: feeble2002 (1/7/2011 8:42:39 PM)


If I declared Preeminent Captain as an attacker and put a Captain of the Watch on the battlefield, is Captain of the Watch tapped? Captain of the Watch has Vigilance.
Posted By: ClowWizardEriol (10/8/2009 12:02:42 PM)


Ahhh dont hurt mee. dude is shorter than dustin pedroia
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/18/2011 11:03:29 PM)


most fun ive had with this card:
attack with preeminent, put another preeminent in, then a captain of the watch
queue maniacal laughter
Posted By: pensaint (8/8/2009 12:17:38 AM)


combos with kathari screecher, the dirty bird soldier
Posted By: ttian (3/24/2009 9:45:29 PM)


at @pensaint: If he is attacking he attacks and vice versa. If you are attacking someone you made an active decision to attack. The creature also attacks and is attacking. So if you have three of them a Daru warchief or anything that makes them cheaper go crazy. If he was not meant to used in that way there would be a ruling on this card not to be used in that way.
Posted By: wowsers (7/31/2012 5:22:35 AM)


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