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Devotion to goats.
Posted By: MCcreator (10/20/2013 2:35:53 PM)


The proto-Evangel of Heliod.
Posted By: Continue (1/30/2014 12:11:24 PM)


lol space that would make a great duel decks
Posted By: sportgenius (11/19/2009 9:20:34 PM)


Did someone ask for Goats vs Squirrels? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Duel Decks: Goats vs Squirrels. Go ahead and proxy them up, and play!

Springjack Shepherd x4
Dawn Elemental x4
Cloudgoat Ranger x2
Mirror Entity x4

Scapegoat x4
Ajani Goldmane x4
Honor the Pure x4
Leyline of the Meek x4
Oblivion Ring x2
Path to Exile x4
Holy Day x2

Springjack Pasture x4
Plains x18

Despite there being a large handful of red goats, I decided to go mono-white with this to maximize the Shepherd. Scapegoat is in there because sacrificing goats is funny- also, getting your Shepherd back for another go is always good.

And you'll need more shepherds for all those goats! Build some fences out of Leylines, and get Ajani up to the task with that staff of his. Dawn Elemental helps up the chroma count.There's a small removal suite, but the Oblivion Rings were limited due to interaction with the Squirrel enchantments.

Garruk Wildspeaker x4
Overrun x2
Doubling Season x2

Der... (see all)
Posted By: DoctorKenneth (2/11/2011 1:42:27 PM)


Make yourself a goat deck! It's just a very fun deck to use and unexpectedly powerful, at least in my particular casual metagame. Plus, is it not simply hilarious to slaughter someone with what are (at first) the weakest creatures conceivable? Feel the warmth and satisfaction from caring for a flock of fifty or more bleeting darlings then watch with pride as your woolly children chomp face after just a tiny pump spell.
Posted By: Asinine-Ultimatum (11/4/2009 6:26:56 AM)


goats vs. squirrel's
hmmmmmmwhich is better????
Posted By: spacechaser0001 (11/10/2009 11:13:01 AM)


For people who wanted to see the links to Doctor Kenneth's comment:

Did someone ask for Goats vs Squirrels? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Duel Decks: Goats vs Squirrels. Go ahead and proxy them up, and play!

Springjack Shepherd x4
Dawn Elemental x4
Cloudgoat Ranger x2
Mirror Entity x4

Scapegoat x4
Ajani Goldmane x4
Honor the Pure x4
Leyline of the Meek x4
Oblivion Ring x2
Path to Exile x4
Holy Day x2

Springjack Pasture x4
Plains x18

Despite there being a large handful of red goats, I decided to go mono-white with this to maximize the Shepherd. Scapegoat is in there because sacrificing goats is funny- also, getting your Shepherd back for another go is always good.

And... (see all)
Posted By: land_comment (3/28/2011 3:36:49 PM)


This guy gets funny with Reality Strobe and Doubling Season.
Posted By: masonthekiller (11/13/2010 8:05:17 AM)


Duel Decks never run more than 2 of a card. Unless that card is a basic land or something like Terramorphic Expanse.
Posted By: Axelle (6/3/2011 2:02:14 PM)


It was a while ago but it remains an amazing story, I was playing my tribal kithkin deck and had a Coat of Arms on the battlefield. I pull out this dude and my army of kithkin tokens provided me with 14 goats, 14 goats that were all 13/14 that is...My opponent laughed untill he realized he was getting face stomped by my army of gigantic Eldrazi eating goats.
Posted By: HeadTosser (9/7/2013 1:05:12 PM)


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