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Community Rating: 2.413 / 5  (52 votes)
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My suggestion:

Get rid of 'band with others'. Errata all cards using it to use regular banding. Then reintroduce banding.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/10/2011 12:52:28 PM)


one of the most inane cards ever printed...thank you Wizards for finally printed a better version of this piece of junk...Even with the new functionality given to it by the M10 rules it still sucks royally...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/29/2009 8:06:04 PM)


This card makes no sense. Bands with other is an ability that doesn't actually band with other X, but bands with other creatures with "bands with other X". It requires two on the block and all on the attack.

All of this for a 2/2 for 2gg that for a tap and 2gg more can get you a 1/1, and you'll need two of them! Twelve mana over three turns to get a very unique token!

Legends is full of bizarre cards like this. Actually, I'm fairly convinced that Legends is like when you give green Ancestral Recall, only it's blue, a color nobody will accuse of being underpowered, that gets everything. Green, by contrast, gets...a 2/2 for 2gg that can produce 1/1 tokens with a completely irrelevant ability for 2gg and a tap. And Shelkin Brownie, a hoser for "bands with other". This set also started "blue gets strictly better creatures than green".

Synergy with Doubling Season: 1/5. You only have to pay 2gg and tap once to sc... (see all)
Posted By: bay_falconer (9/15/2012 1:46:47 PM)


Jeff A. Menges!

I'm a huge fan.
Posted By: Thrull_Champion (9/11/2012 3:37:39 PM)


This used to actually be a fairly valuable card, but it's really not very good, and it's not worth much anymore.
Posted By: Technetium (4/4/2013 11:37:07 AM)


Slow your roll, Jeff.
Posted By: Kirbster (3/12/2014 11:28:38 AM)


Garruk's dad seems preoccupied. Maybe he wishes he didn't suck so much?
Posted By: DeepGreen (4/16/2014 10:29:53 AM)


10/4/2004 Since tapping is not part of the cost, you can use this more than once a turn.

Thanks Wizards.
Posted By: legendary_orp (5/15/2014 2:33:13 PM)


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