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In a graveyard based EDH, I would say this card would totally be worth it late game. Your deck should already be equipped to deal with Graveyard hate as it is with cards like Stifle, Voidslime, Pithing Needle, Time Stop, and other cards with similar abilties. My Mimeoplasm deck could certainly use this after it mills for 3 quarters of the deck, and once I know what type of graveyard hate they're using, I know how I can approprietly react. Not as useful in other formats sadly, but in the right EDH deck, this card could be a monster.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/12/2011 11:59:22 AM)


"Hey look, Bazaar Trader and Relic of Progenitus want to congratulate you on being useful."

I swear, no one reads one of the aforementioned cards.
"Would this card work with Wheel of Sun and Moon?"

They are time stamped replacement effects, for a card that would go to your graveyard but instead: A) Either remove it from the game, or B) put it on the bottom of your library, depending on which card was most recently played. (Playing the Wheel of sun and moon enchanting yourself after playing this card would have an effect, playing the wheel before this card would do nothing.)

The wheel would help though if your intent is to quasi-replicate a Yawgmoth's Will with Forbidden Crypt. You put those cards the bottom of your library instead of removing from the game, then at a later date blow up this enchantment with the desire of drawing those cards again.
Posted By: KarmasPayment (5/14/2012 12:21:20 AM)


Also, you can use things like Slight of Hand or Skyward Eye Prophets to get around the 'can't draw a card' downside.
Posted By: ScissorsLizard (4/29/2010 11:12:49 PM)


if this card was only 3 mana to cast. I would say it's worth it.
Posted By: Megrimage (9/10/2009 10:37:54 AM)


Donate this, pop Tormod's Crypt, say go. Win.
Posted By: TreeTrunkMaster (12/23/2009 9:51:46 PM)


This card doesn't seem so bad. If we didn't have all the graveyard hate, this card would actually be pretty good during late game. In a casual environment (which means, people play not only to win), this seems pretty devastating. Imagine being able to cast a Cruel Ultimatum from the grave and get 3 free cards from the grave? If people think Dredge is good, then this should be good too, right?!
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (3/23/2010 2:39:02 AM)


Hey look, Bazaar Trader and Relic of Progenitus want to congratulate you on being useful.
Posted By: cjgrimmreaper (5/23/2011 9:56:46 PM)


Would this card work with Wheel of Sun and Moon?
Posted By: The_Sturm (12/16/2010 2:17:32 AM)


you cast this, your opponent laughs with a nihil spellbomb
Posted By: BastianQoU (6/20/2011 1:59:43 AM)


Good with something like seismic assault so you won't lose the game, you get to recur 2 damage over and over again, or you recur a fatty that got killed, or really anything else you need. Also, that would be hilarious:
Here, take my crypt.
Why would you wanna give me tormod's crypt?
Wrong crypt.
Oh, crap...
Posted By: channelblaze (6/22/2010 10:08:07 AM)


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