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Community Rating: 2.755 / 5  (55 votes)
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Pick any "destroy all creatures" spell. Just pick one.

Using this card, and its ability to shroud every creature you have, the combos are obvious and deadly.

Can be used constantly for great justice, as it can actually stop a bunch of creature strategies dead in their tracks.

Of course, it stops you from buffing your creatures up and doesn't count for the ones that just come in, but as long as you keep enough mana to keep that shroud going, you can make that Bant deck even more annoying.
Posted By: Thisprofilemocksyou (8/13/2010 7:12:43 AM)


Surprisingly Useful.
Posted By: McThor (4/30/2010 9:35:28 AM)


One of my biggest problems in most of my decks are Day of Judgment/Wrath of God type effects. When I'm swarming my foes with hordes of birds powered by Soulcatchers' AErie, one of the last things I care about is having them plunked out of the sky one by one. This card doesn't protect my birds from mass removal.

5/5 For the art, and this being an Aven card. Maybe someone else will find a use for this...
Posted By: Drewsel (6/4/2011 10:13:04 PM)


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Posted By: asskicker123456789 (1/10/2013 11:11:04 AM)


Hex can go die.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/15/2013 4:02:47 AM)


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