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The few opponents who don't scoop to your turn 2 Storm Crow will cry in horror as you curve out into this.
Posted By: Pick15 (10/19/2011 12:29:55 PM)


For those of us who don't utilize his Artifact status, he's still a good heavy hitter. I got my first out of a starter deck, and I've used him ever since. You can't beat a natural 11 meat shield!
Posted By: darkerthought7 (8/2/2009 6:49:15 PM)


@bagilis: Hello?? It has friggin' SHROUD. And that makes this card a wonderfully playable fatty. I'd gladly run him over Darksteel Colossus in a Tinker deck, anytime. Just try and kill him. It's really, REALLY hard. 5/5
Posted By: True_Mumin (8/18/2009 8:49:38 AM)


it's actuall main combo involves the master transmuter, who can bring him out of your hand for just one blue mana. with effects like that, who cares what the cost is though lol
Posted By: BrimandVormay (3/24/2009 8:02:40 AM)


Slurpees for everyone! 7-11 is the shiznit!
"Thank You! Come Agaaaayyn!"
Posted By: madformedusa (10/2/2009 8:01:15 AM)


Honestly my favorite leviathan. No huge drawbacks.
Posted By: PhantomdotEXE (4/9/2009 3:34:58 PM)


best tinker toy ever.
Posted By: krumtheslow (10/31/2010 11:51:45 AM)


An absolute gamewinner if your opponent controls an island, or has had one of their lands turned into an island (*cough* SPREADING SEAS *cough*). Trample is certainly good, but unblockable is better.

Actually won the game for my artifact deck in a tight one against a blue mill/control deck. Opponent Rite of Replicate'd (with kicker) my Sphinx of the Steel Wind, meaning that if I couldn't finish him off next turn I was in for a difficult fight (he was on 8 health, I was still on about 12 but did have an army of thopters to chump block with and a Filigree Angel sitting somewhere in my deck). Transmute out my Eldrazi and watch his face as he can't do anything to stop ol' Inky swim through his islands and slap him in the face.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/21/2009 7:39:28 AM)


This, Stormtide, Kederekt, wow. Leviathans rock nowadays. Everyone who was alive for the Ice Age expansion reads over this card twenty times looking for the crippling Krakenesque drawback. If they haven't played for a while, you could tell them that "shroud" means "this card cannot attack unless you control a number of islands exactly equal to its power" and they'd believe you.

Delightfully weird that it's an artifact creature. Who built it?
Posted By: Salient (8/21/2011 11:46:31 PM)


@ grayseeroly
Ditto that!

Quest for Ula's Temple from worldwake will gonna buff up this card by making it coming into play fast.
Posted By: JosirisDavid (1/23/2010 8:53:34 AM)


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