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For those of you wondering how this fits as a green card...Simple. Token creation. REPEATABLE token creation. As the populate mechanic evinces, this seems to be considered a hallmark of green these days.
Posted By: SkyknightXi (3/14/2013 1:34:42 PM)


This is one of my favourite Commander cards. I run it in The Mimeoplasm with about 45 lands and Life from the Loam, so it repeatedly poops Sphinx of Uthuun and Sylvan Primordial tokens (which as often as not come from a Plasm in disguise), removes opposing generals, then all the lands Spit pitched to the graveyard feed a gigantic Worm Harvest. Mwahahahaha.
And to those comparing it to Rite of Replication: a countered or dredged Rite will just sit uselessly in your graveyard. Ponder that.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (4/21/2013 12:29:12 PM)


Fantastic in my Biovisionary Deck - Makes picking up land late-game a help not a hindrance! Not the main way to get to the win condition, but a few times has been the sole reason I've won games.
Posted By: Blackfiremagic (5/12/2013 7:37:57 AM)


This becomes good later on in the game when you have a way of generating lands.

Copy a Borderland Ranger? But still kind of lame for being a 2/2 bear engine for 6 mana a turn.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/22/2013 7:05:49 PM)


The flavor text sounds incredibly silly to me. Are magical impostors so common on Lorwyn that you need a customary greeting when you meet yours? "Hey, you know I ran into myself again earlier today. We split together, same as always."
Posted By: Totema (11/10/2013 9:42:05 PM)


So. Much. Fun. This card is just a blast to play.
Posted By: LordLamneth (12/8/2013 7:04:54 PM)


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