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Community Rating: 4.491 / 5  (113 votes)
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Merrow Commerce
Wanderwine Prophets
Lullmage Mentor
Stonybrook Schoolmaster
Summon the School
Merfolk Reejerey

This combo allows you to make an absurd amount of Merfolk tokens, tap them to counter spell which makes more tokens, that you can use to make more tokens, all the while building an absurd amount of things to untap and plenty of fodder to sac to Wanderwine Prophets so that you never let the welling go down on Wake Thrasher.

Throw in Judge of Currents to get extra mileage out of your tapping and Sigil Tracer to double the output of Summon the School (which makes just enough tokens to tap them all to get Summon the School back out of the yard).

Holy crap...that looks like a deck =)
Posted By: alphagprime (4/2/2012 8:59:03 PM)


I love it when they give blue a nice beatstick. And yes I pulled off the Aphetto Alchemist combo in a game, best win ever!
Posted By: vantha (6/19/2012 8:05:21 AM)


Even if you don't want to go infinite, it's satisfying in casual to toss a Bear Umbra on him or something just to watch the sheer amount of power he gets.
Posted By: NARFNra (7/15/2013 1:24:18 PM)


Posted By: DaLucaray (8/6/2013 8:55:51 AM)


another card that is stupid powerful with the removal of mana burn. your end phase: tap my lands.
Posted By: ultratog1028 (9/3/2009 3:40:56 PM)


merfolk aggro? cool card not so sure how in color, but definitly in tribe, so...
Posted By: davidhuman (2/26/2009 3:49:34 PM)


So on the first turn it can attack it's at least a 4/4? Pretty solid. On turn 6, if you have like two other non-land things that were tapped, and all lands tapped, he's a 10/10. For 3cc.
Posted By: Elysiume (7/1/2009 4:38:53 PM)


This card added into my mono blue deck was like night and day. The deck instantly and dramatically improved. With no mana burn, he is the sturdy backbone of a blue merfolk aggro deck. I never knew blue would get a beatstick that makes green jealous.

He is great in a merfolk deck, but he can go into almost any blue deck since he gets so big on his own and for so cheap.
Posted By: Pwnsaw (9/22/2009 11:48:25 PM)


This guy just begs you to use Time Spiral I also quite like the idea of running Rewind as a hard counter despite it's initial cost with this guy in play
Posted By: Latronis (10/19/2009 7:31:33 PM)


Awesome with Great Whale
Posted By: zaftula (9/29/2009 9:16:56 PM)


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