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(Wait... it's not a treefolk?... hawkward...) Great Card. i'd have three if i could find any.

I wonder if i'll be seeing any at PTQs next week... -_-
Posted By: JoshMagic (2/24/2012 7:01:25 PM)



Nice catch. O__O
Posted By: Goatllama (2/27/2012 8:56:58 AM)


His abilities are nice, but his toughness makes him easy to remove. Also I'm always hesitant to have most of my creatures be the same due to cards like echoing truth, maelstrom pulse etc. If you can get him some pro then its an awesome addition to a g/b deck
Posted By: kalel91981 (11/4/2012 7:41:40 AM)


... I'm pretty certain this thing killed me in Dark Souls. Bed of Chaos anyone?

Anyways, this thing is awesome. Ridiculously so. I just run it in a mono-black creature sacrificing deck, for token spawning and buffs. Heck, I can't stop saying how good it is. It's THAT good.
Posted By: psychichobo (12/13/2012 4:04:57 PM)


@ lord of tresserhorn

Actually, geometrically better is only used in reference to patterns and while this does seem to resemble a pattern, it is limited at x=4 and is thus merely a triple binomial equation, consisting of y=2x2+x, x>0 and x<5 and, as such, is referred to as exponential equation and experiences exponential growth.
Posted By: Banekiller (1/9/2013 4:15:19 PM)


A 2/2 that gives 3/3s? Wow...
Posted By: Continue (8/12/2013 3:45:24 PM)


Creates card advantage *by himself*, for no mana, while being an everybody-lord.
What else can you really say about that?

Since no one has been here in awhile, I'll point out the now-obvious Deathrite Shaman. Also works great with Veteran Explorer; get this guy T2.
Posted By: blurrymadness (11/12/2013 2:33:38 PM)


banekiller: you can only have 4 in a deck, but many effects can give you more, as lord of tresserhorn said (rite of replication).
Posted By: O0oze (12/20/2013 11:26:34 PM)


Mmmm… Super fat, juicy 3/3 Worm tokens. Yes, 3/3. They’re Black and Green, ya know.
Posted By: Kodanshi (4/16/2014 12:28:31 PM)


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