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Community Rating: 3.357 / 5  (49 votes)
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This was the card that taught my friends and I that lands were colorless, when we first started.
We were pretty tired of facing this guy as a 7/7 by the turn he dropped. (If 1 land and 1 white permanent was dropped each turn, realistically one of them dying.)
Posted By: infernox10 (1/20/2012 12:50:41 PM)


It's only good in certain situations. Too slow for kithkin decks and you don't want to play it outside of mono white.
Posted By: DivineNocturnus (8/15/2012 3:39:41 PM)


Want more P/T?

Use Eight-and-a-Half-Tails on your lands!
Posted By: LordRandomness (4/19/2013 4:12:29 AM)


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