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he's not cooked
Posted By: DaaNz (3/24/2009 7:54:10 AM)


Why this and Backlash have different oracle wording?

Yea it's pretty crappy but if you can't get your hands on Backlash, or you are playing mono black or red you could try it out. I think it's not that bad, there are worse cards than this.
Posted By: Qazior (11/4/2009 4:42:48 AM)


I guess the conspire could come in handy sometimes, but Backlash is still better.
Posted By: BrutalJim (7/26/2009 2:11:38 AM)


My friends know me all too well.
They knew something was amiss when I attached My Grafted Exoskeleton to my opponent's boosted 12/17 Wall of Reverence.
I'm so mean >D

That said, except for conspire, (which I LOVE, because I always seem to have tons of 2/2 lizard tokens hangin around) Backlash is indeed a much more cost effective card in nearly all other situations. By the way, Backlash is on ebay for very cheap, guys, so stop whining about how hard it is to find. I just bought a four-set for $3.
Posted By: NZGTownsend (6/21/2011 1:33:49 AM)


You can use it to stop them from defending, but it's still far worse than Backlash. Really not much of a reason to put it in a deck.
Posted By: Elysiume (7/5/2009 5:46:26 PM)


Horrible version of Backlash. The main point of tapping the creature is to keep it from attacking, which makes absolutely no sense at sorcery speed. Backlash is an ok card, but this one just plain useless and a waste of a card slot.
Posted By: majinara (2/5/2009 2:41:16 AM)


Delirium is way better than this trash card.
Posted By: FragNutMK1 (9/9/2010 10:24:50 PM)


Slightly overcosted, but the conspire cost more than makes up for it. If you're playing against a green deck, this will SLAUGHTER it, if played late game. Ironically, this is one of the better late game Red cards.
Just make sure you can afford to play this, or else you could end up losing. Since its also black, it can go in either or.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (1/19/2012 6:34:41 AM)


@Banjo253 I find it hilarious that you have to deal with exactly the same kind of tools in your playgroup that I do. You're right, cards like this are super fun and hilarious, and great in casual multiplayer
Posted By: cardraptor6 (10/3/2012 10:09:01 AM)


Equip says "target creature you control"
Posted By: CogMonocle (12/26/2013 11:09:34 PM)


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