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I traded about 200 commons to a kid from school for this when I was 13. Alliances had just came out, and it was one of the chase rares. That evening I went to my local game store for Magic night, and traded it to an older player for a (Revised) Volcanic Island. This was a good trade at the time!
At the time of writing, Balduvian Horde is $1, and the Volcanic Island is $140!!
Some days I can't decide if the future or the past is crazier!
Posted By:
(6/12/2013 8:20:53 PM)
Not bad 5/5 for 4 in red! just make sure you have only crap/madness cards in your hand
By crap, I mean extra lands or not-useful-for-current-game-state cards - it could be useful for casual play. If only it had haste...
Posted By:
(9/9/2013 3:21:17 PM)